Glossary of Terms
This is an exhaustive list of the different acronyms and unique definitions associated with Mission Karmayogi, aimed at cultivating a better understanding of the initiative.
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Assessment Agency (AA)

The agency that will design, conduct and score PIAA assessments. These agencies are independent of CBP providers, and so can test learners without any bias to maintain pass percentages. There are two main criteria for an AA -
1. Competent within the area they are assessing
2. Certified to design and deploy assessment instruments
Assessment instruments

Activities developed to support the assessment method and collect the evidence of learners' competence. An assessment instrument could include oral and written questions. observation/demonstration checklists.

ATIs are centrally funded apex training organisations of the provincial/state government. E.g ATI Karnataka is located in Mysore, ATI WB is located in Kolkata.

A chief learning officer (CLO) is the highest-ranking corporate officer in charge of learning management.

Competency Owning Departments (CODs) will have the responsibility to ensure the following with regards to each of the competencies assigned to them: 1) High impact CBPs are available on iGOT. They can do this by developing CBPs themselves or through their training institutions or by fixing the price that providers can charge for CBPs that build competencies assigned to them; 2) Proctored, independent, authorised assessment (PIAA) capacity is available with a waiting time of less than 24 hours; and 3) Question banks, used for 360 degree assessments on iGOT and PIAA, yield results that are valid and reliable.

The commonality of score meaning across testing conditions including delivery modes, computer platforms, and scoring presentation.
Criterion validity

Depicts how well a measure predicts the outcome for another measure. A test has this type of validity if it is useful in predicting performance or behavior in a past, present, or future situation.

Learning & Development
Marquee competencies

A shortlisted set of important functional and behavioural competencies that can be used as an initial list by ministries, departments, and organisations (MDOs) to kick-start the competency-driven engagement (C-DE) process.

A managed service provider (MSP) is an outsourced third-party company that assumes the responsibility of day-to-day management services for customers. Having an MSP is a strategic method of improving operations and is common among large corporations, small and medium-size businesses, non-profit organizations, as well as governments.

Used in reference to ratings, it means adjusting of values measured on different scales to a notionally common scale.

Proctored, Independent, Authorised Assessments are standardised assessments of government officials conducted on the iGOT Karmayogi platform.
PIAA agency

A third party expert agency that is tasked with ensuring that assessments are created, authorised and made available on the iGOT Karmayogi platform for all users within a period of three years.
PIAA application

The main interface for the PIAA agency, to be hosted on iGOT Karmayogi. For all practical purposes (for learners and other users), the PIAA app will not be distinguishable from the iGOT platform. All primary interactions related to assessments of learners and assessment agencies will happen through this app.
PIAA Score

Given to a learner taking a PIAA by the PIAA provider and comprises two components: i) The level at which the competency has been assessed (1-5) and ii) The proficiency within that level (excellent, good, average, poor).

As a role of the PIAA agency, Quality Assurance ensures all assessments fulfil the criteria of validity, reliability, comparability and setting standards and guidelines to minimise bias.

The extent to which an assessment would produce i) the same or similar results or score on two or more occasions or ii) if given by two or more assessors. It is the accuracy and consistency with which it measures.

A Request for Proposal (RFP), also at times known as Request for Tender (RFT), is issued in the procurement process when an invitation is presented to potential bidders, to submit a proposal for a specific service. The RFP process brings structure to the procurement decision and allows for risks and benefits to be identified upfront, so that bidders can accordingly to the invitation.
An RFP is aimed towards selecting the most competent bidder with the most economically advantageous price. It directly addresses governments' need to procure.

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a commitment between a service provider and a client. As part of it, specific aspects of service – quality, availability, responsibilities – are agreed upon between the service provider and the service user.

The extent to which an assessment measures what it purports to measure.