Glossary of Terms
This is an exhaustive list of the different acronyms and unique definitions associated with Mission Karmayogi, aimed at cultivating a better understanding of the initiative.
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360-degree Assessment

A combination of assessments by self, peer, manager and subordinate. This results indicate whether the official is using their knowledge and skill (i.e. Means) in the workplace, in combination with Motive and Opportunity. On iGOT, micro-question arrangements drive the 360-degree assessments in addition to the authorised independent assessment centres it will offer.

Specific actions performed as part of an official role.

A process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
Artificial Intelligence

The simulation of intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. May also apply to any machine that exhibits traits associated with the human mind like learning and problem-solving.

Attitude, skills and knowledge

An Assistant Section Officer is a Group 2 officer. ASOs are positioned across departments and perform clerical functions such as note-taking, drafting of responses and managing correspondence.

Behavioural, Domain and Functional (Types of competencies)
Behavioural Competencies

The underlying characteristics – motives, traits, skills, aspects of one’s social image, values, social role or a body of knowledge – that can result in effective and/or superior performance in a job or role. Collectively, they can help a department plan their talent requirements.

This score will be given to a learner on the completion of a CBP and its corresponding assessments. It is based on the learner’s performance on these assessments and contributes to the TCS (thereby the overall competency score of an individual).

Competency Building Products refer to courses, workshops, events, training programs or any other services/ products on iGOT KY that will help bridge competency gaps.

Cadre Controlling Authority: Cadre Controlling Authority is the department of the Government of India to which a given government official reports

Competency Markup Language is name given to the common grammar used on iGOT 2.0 to ensure that each competency is well described and suitable for machine interpretation before it is uploaded on the platform.

A combination of knowledge, skills and attitude that enable an individual to perform a job or task effectively.
Content Directory

All content by CBPs put up on the platform will be stored in the Content Directory. The Content Directory will have all contents in various languages along with delivery mechanisms (text/audio/video), pricing, duration, taxonomies (usertags) and the competencies they help gain/improve. The directory will be organised at four levels. The first and smallest is resources. A collection of resources make a module, a collection of modules make a course and a collection of courses make a program. The content directory will store impact scores at the level at which the CBP provider is willing to unbundle and price.
Course (Content Directory)

A collection of Modules in the Content Directory makes a Course.

Competency Store Passbook stores the competancy score of an offical.

The CQS is a combination of two scores: the first is provided through self-certification by the CBP provider; and the second is the score as assigned by a learner and auditor (as appointed by the SPV) of the CBP. When the two CQS are very close to each other, the trust score of the CBP becomes high.

Competency Score is calculated against the competencies a learner has been tested for and is stored in the Competency Score Passbook. It is comprised of two individual scores: the workplace competency assessment score (WPCAS) and the testing competency score (TCS).

A Certified Service Provider will be an external agency which will be a domain expert in the area that a specific government department is working in. CSPs will be a part of the Departmental FRACing Team (DFT) along with the government department's Internal FRACing Unit (IFU)

Departmental FRACing Team is responsible for the FRACing of a government department. It comprises the Internal FRACing unit and the Certified Service Provider for the government department being FRACed.

A kind of registry that encompasses a list of terms accompanied by short descriptions of each term.
Dictionary of activities

This dictionary lists, describes and assigns a unique code for all activities that are distinctively described on iGOT 2.0. These activities are actions or steps executed, conducted or processed in a logical sequence by the incumbent to achieve an objective.
Dictionary of competencies

A competency dictionary consists of the listing of all competencies, their meanings and indicators that define them.
Dictionary of positions

This is a list of all positions along with a short description of the position in those entities whose FRACing has been completed.
Dictionary of roles

This is a list of all the roles played by a certain position.

A directory on iGOT 2.0 is bound together by a common identifier. For example, the directory of ministries and departments will contain a full list of all MDOs in the government with a unique code for each. Unlike dictionaries, directories contain only listings.
Directories of CBP providers

This is a list of all CBP providers along with their trust scores
Directories of participating ministries

This will contain a list of all entities that have registered their intent to onboard iGOT 2.0 and paid up the per person annual subscription. they will be provided support to complete their FRACing process so that their positions, roles, activities and competencies can be onboarded after completing the iGOT 2.0 due diligence process.
Directories of users

This will list all users, details of CBPs completed by them as well as their competency score.
Domain Competencies

Knowledge elements, skills and abilities that are usually specialised in nature and are applicable in a narrow set of organisations, functions or positions, May be defined for a specific department or ministry or organisation -- for example, the Department of Atomic Energy, or the Department of Biotechnology.

The Department of Personnel and Training is the coordinating agency of the Central Government in personnel matters, especially issues concerning recruitment and training.

Functional Purpose Analysis

The Framework of Roles, Activities and Competencies refers to the breaking down of official positions into its constituents - namely, roles that are further broken down into activities and competencies.
FRACing Process

A 12-step process that starts with the setting of the Departmental FRACing and ends with uploading resultant competencies onto the iGOT Karmayogi platform.
Functional Competencies

Knowledge elements, skills and abilities that are applicable across many organisations, functions and positions. For example, project management, budgeting, communication skills etc are required for many roles across many departments.

The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business.

International Atomic Energy Agency

Internal FRACing Unit will be the internally staffed FRACing agency incharge of a government department. The IFU along with the Certified Service Provider of a department will form that department's Departmental FRACing Team (DFT)
Instructional Design

Instructional design (ID), also known as instructional systems design (ISD), is the practice of systematically designing, developing and delivering instructional products and experiences, both digital and physical, in a consistent and reliable fashion toward an efficient, effective, appealing, engaging and inspiring acquisition of knowledge.

Integrated Government Online Training Karmayogi is a comprehensive online learning platform that will augment conventional classroom training programs by offering a blended model of learning.

A special purpose vehicle (SPV) is being established to implement the Public Service Capability and Productivity Enhancement Programme of which iGOT 2.0 is a part. The SPV will be a not-for-profit government-owned registered company. Besides others, it will be responsible for developing and hosting iGOT 2.0 and ensuring that all its associated processes are executed in a timely and appropriate manner.
Learner Score

Captures the learner’s interaction with the content on iGOT KY – it reflects the learnings and engagement of a learner on the platform. Calculated (weightage based on discretion) based on an individual’s relationship with the self, others and the content.

Ministry, Department or Organisation

micro-question based continuous assessments, can generate a nuanced picture of user
The first is through the cumulation of assessments made by those who observe each other's competencies and one’s own self-assessment. The second is the independent assessor arrangements that the owner department for each competency will put in place and notify on iGOT 2.0. While the latter will typically use computerised proctored, independent, authorised assessments (PIAAs), the former will require a set of micro-questions to be posed and answered that have the ability to capture all aspects of each competency. These micro-questions, which will be in yes/no and multiple-choice formats, will be periodically posed to officials both as part of their peer and self-assessment.

Means Motive Opportunity
Module (Content Directory)

A collection of resources in the Content Directory.

National eGovernance Division (NeGD) |

Natural Language Processing

The National Training Policy was formulated by the Department of Personnel and Training in 1996 (and subsequently in 2012) for fulfilling matters related to the training of civil servants.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Organisational Score of MDOs

The smallest unit of the Content Directory on iGOT Karmayogi.
Program (Content Directory)

A collection of courses in the Content Directory.
Resource (Content Directory)

The smallest unit of the Content Directory on iGOT 2.0 is referred to as a resource.

Categories of tasks a government official is expected to perform in his position. Under FRAC, positions are further broken down into roles.

Software as a Service

State of Human Resources in Government Report
SPV Score

The average of all MDOs’ organisational scores.

The TCS is an algorithmically derived score that combines C- CS and PIAA score, and is informed by the trust scores of the PIAA and CBP. Combined with the WPCAS, it contributes to the competency score