CFQA Guidelines

The Goal

With the evolving nature of the Indian state, it is crucial to build the capacities of public officials equipping them to deal with complex challenges and enhance governance. The Integrated Government Online Training Karmayogi, or iGOT Karmayogi, is envisioned to be a platform that will assist officials in acquiring new competencies, encouraging collaborative problem-solving, and cultivating a culture of lifelong learning. The key to ensuring that this is the availability of superior quality content provided by a slew of best-in-class content providers. The content onboarded to the platform needs to be engaging, learner-centric, action-oriented, and accessible to diverse learners.

The Challenge

CBPs, or Competency Building Products, are courses, workshops, learning events, and training programmes (online, in-person, or blended) that allow officials to acquire competencies on the iGOT Karmayogi platform. CBPs aid public officials in bridging the gap between their current and desired competencies. Therefore, it is critical to ensure that the CBPs onboarded to the iGOT Karmayogi platform adhere to specific quality standards in order to produce high-quality content. A content framework that provides CBP providers with overall guidance on creating content for iGOT Karmayogi is required. At the same time, specific quality assurance criteria should be put in place to ensure that content meets minimum standards.

Our Strategy

The iGOT Karmayogi (KY) Content Framework enlists a set of guidelines to design and develop content that is learner-centric, action-oriented, and accessible to diverse learners. The iGOT KY Content Framework is critical as it serves as a foundation for the content development process.

Our team provided background research and gave detailed feedback and recommendations to the working group in charge of developing the Content Framework and Quality Assurance guidelines document. Several of these recommendations and insights were incorporated while finalising the guidelines document.

The Content Framework recommends the Watch-Think-Do-Explore-Test (WTDET) methodology for content. It also suggests the structure of content followed by iGOT KY. 

The five components of the WTDET framework are:

Quality Assurance Framework

Along with the content framework, CBP providers must also adhere to specific quality assurance criteria to ensure that the content onboarded on the iGOT KY platform is appropriate, engaging, and of high quality. The Quality Assurance criteria aim to review the quality of content through a list of 56 parameters across six Quality Assurance (QA) criteria.

The six quality assurance criteria are:

The iGOT Karmayogi Content Framework and Quality Assurance guidelines allow CBP providers to align their content with the principles of adult learning. Some benefits of this framework are:

  • It inspires higher-order thinking
  • It prioritises experiential learning
  • It supports self-paced and on-the-go learning and solves time constraints for learners
  • It includes inclusive design philosophy, and thus effectively tackles the various needs of diverse learners
  • It inculcates human-centred problem-solving skills.

C-LOP helped review five courses of the National Institute of Social Design (NISD) on content readiness for the iGOT Karmayogi platform on the basis of the CFQA guideline document.  A  detailed note on findings from the course quality review was shared with the concerned officials.

Following our engagement with NISD, we identified a need for the development of a self-assessment tool that would allow content providers to evaluate the readiness of their content in a hassle-free manner.

To facilitate this, the C-LOP team developed the Course Analysis Tool with the objective of providing an operational understanding of the CFQA guidelines, providing granular and specific qualitative analysis of the content, and enabling content providers to assess the quality of their content outside of the purview of the iGOT Karmayogi platform.

Using the Course Analysis Tool, our team helped evaluate PTC Vadodara’s “Gramin Dak Karmayogi” course on its readiness for iGOT KY in compliance with Content Framework and Quality Assurance. This work was presented to Capacity Building Commission (CBC).

Click here to know more about Course Analysis Tool.

Course Analysis Tool is available at All content providers are recommended to use the tool in order to evaluate their content against predefined benchmarks and quality assurance criteria.

