1. Conducted workshop with Piramal Foundation on competency mapping

    September 2022

    C-LOP collaborated with Piramal Foundation to conduct a virtual competency mapping workshop. Around 20 state leads and field staff members of the foundation participated in the workshop. We employed interactive tools in the workshop to guide the participants through the process of articulating day-to-day activities, identifying roles, and mapping competencies. The aim of the workshop was to help build the internal staff capacity. The learnings of the workshop would now enable the participants to take this engagement forward with District Programme Managers in Bihar and map competencies for them.

  2. Kicked-off engagement with DOTT, Delhi on competency mapping

    August 2022

    C-LOP kicked off its engagement with the Delhi government’s Department of Trade and Taxes to initiate discussions on competency-based capacity building of GST officers. To facilitate this process, we conducted our second in-person competency-mapping workshop with 22 GST officers who took part in various group activities aimed at mapping their roles and day-to-day activities. The officers also helped us gather data to better understand their competency requirements. Going forward, we hope to assist GST officers in defining their roles mapped to competencies & identifying their training requirements to facilitate their journey toward holistic capacity building.


  3. Conducted competency-mapping workshop with IHAT

    July 2022

    C-LOP worked with Indian Health Action Trust to help them achieve their aim of implementing a competency-based approach to capacity building for the Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) position. To facilitate this, C-LOP conducted its first-ever in-person workshop in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh with 14 participants. The aim of the engagement was to build the capacity of clinical and operational stakeholders who work with ANMs on how to identify their roles and associated attitudes, skills, and knowledge. During the workshop, IHAT was enabled to develop a role and competency dictionary for ANMs.

  4. Launched engagement with Telangana state Planning Department on competency-driven engagement

    June 2022

    C-LOP kicked off the engagement with the Planning Department of Telangana state to work on the position of Assistant Sectional Officers (ASOs). We worked with the staff members of the Planning Department on identifying roles and activities associated with the ASO position and then developing competencies for this position. With our engagement, we aim to build the internal staff capacity of the department to independently conduct competency-based learning interventions within the department in long term.


  5. Submitted the updated version of ACBP approach note

    May 2022

    C-LOP updated the Annual Capacity Building Plan (ACBP) approach note. The ACBP serves as a roadmap for MDOs to increase the capacity of its individual officials and the organisation as a whole. The approach paper also outlines the steps for developing, implementing, and monitoring of ACBPs.

  6. Released Common Competencies report

    April 2022

    The common competencies are a set of functional competencies applicable to a range of government positions in ministries, departments, and organisations (MDOs). The list of common competencies can be used to map individual positions within the organisation, assisting in the identification of officials' training needs and the identification of course providers to bridge competency gaps. 

  7. Launched orientation sessions with CBP Providers

    December 2021

    C-LOP kicked off a series of orientation sessions starting December 2021- February 2022 with various CBP providers. The sessions' goal was to demonstrate the benefits of offering the providers' knowledge products on the iGOT Karmayogi platform. The discussions centred around developing and making the best-in-class learning content accessible to meet the learning needs of public officials.

  8. Conducted workshop with IIC on competency-driven engagement

    November 2021

    C-LOP partnered up with the social impact platform International Innovation Corps (IIC) to support it in its mission of building organisational capacity to use digital health platforms. To facilitate this, C-LOP conducted a workshop with six IIC participants. In the workshop, we helped participants identify and develop competencies for digital health-related positions and roles. IIC was able to develop eight digital health competencies with our facilitation,  which will aid in their training of public officials.

  9. Collaborated with CGD to conduct workshops with HTAin

    November 2021

    C-LOP collaborated with the Centre for Global Development to support them in their work with the Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn). C-LOP held a two-day training workshop on the competency-driven engagement process with 10 CGD participants. The workshops aimed to increase internal staff capacity, allowing them to identify various roles and competencies required by HTAIn employees and draft respective Work Allocation Orders (WAOs). C-LOP also helped the participants identify competencies for creating employee training/courses. A total of three competencies and 12 WAOs were drafted in the course of our engagement.

  10. Collaborated with CIVIS on competency development

    November 2021

    C-LOP collaborated with the civic engagement platform CIVIS to help them develop competencies that would allow them in building long-term capacity for public consultations. During our engagement, we helped CIVIS develop the Pre-legislative Consultation Policy (PLCP) competency. The competency was uploaded to the public dictionary of competencies. Currently, C-LOP is engaged with CIVIS to help develop a course that would be tagged to this competency.

  11. Released training manual on Competency Development

    October 2021

    C-LOP developed a training manual that serves as a guide for developing and reviewing competencies relevant for ministries, departments, and organisations (MDOs) using a variety of resources. The manual is a step-by-step guide on developing competencies. The guide also contains a quality assurance checklist that outlines quality standards for drafting high-quality competencies.

  12. Launched workshop series with LBSNAA on competency-driven engagement

    September 2021

    C-LOP launched a two-day workshop with LBSNAA which focused on discussion around competencies and particularly their relevance to course providers. With an attendance of 24 participants, breakout rooms were used to collaboratively identify competency areas, labels and descriptions using their course objectives. The attendees also developed competency proficiency levels and tagged courses to competencies. For a more hands-on experience, participants explored the competency dictionary on the iGOT platform and attended a demonstration of the platform through a use-case.

  13. Launched workshop series for IIPA and ISTM on competency-driven engagement

    August 2021

    C-LOP kicked off a series of training sessions on the competency-driven engagement (C-DE) process with the Indian Institute of Planning and Administration (IIPA). The five-day workshop was designed to assist the institute in identifying the roles and activities required for their positions, and develop the competencies to map to their roles (through the C-DE process). The workshop was also aimed at training IIPA in supporting other ministries, departments, and organisations as they go through the C-DE process.

    A similar workshop was conducted with the staff at ISTM.

  14. Released Pricing Policy paper

    July 2021

    The Pricing Policy paper details the various pricing strategies available to competency-building products (CBP) providers on the iGOT Karmayogi platform. It also explains how such CBPs will be procured for the platform.

  15. Released 'Operationalising Proctored, Independent, Authorised Assessments' paper

    July 2021

    ‘Operationalising Proctored, Independent, Authorised Assessments’ is a follow up to the draft paper on ‘Approach to Proctored, Independent, Authorised Assessments’. The document specifically describes the functions and features of the PIAA agency and outlines the key steps to make assessments available on the iGOT Karmayogi platform.

  16. Released Acquisition, Engagement and Retention strategy papers

    May 2021

    C-LOP released the Acquisition, Engagement and Retention (AER) strategy papers. The papers released were:

    1. AER strategy for Competencies: The strategy draws from traditional capacity building methods and proposes an approach towards mainstreaming competencies. The paper establishes the need to engage and retain users on the iGOT platform, and identify competencies required for public officials.
    2. AER strategy for CBP repository: The paper provides strategic inputs for acquiring, engaging, and retaining users on the iGOT Karmayogi platform through the creation of a repository of competency-building products (CBPs). The report also details out the various strategies for sourcing CBP providers for the iGOT platform.
    3. Information, Education and Communication (IEC) strategy: The IEC strategy for Mission Karmayogi aims to raise awareness and disseminate information about the initiative’s objectives, key features and intended impact. The strategy caters to different audiences through a variety of communication tools and also outlines actionable steps to ensure continued participation of stakeholders in the Mission.
    4. Joint Learning on iGOT strategy: Joint Learning on iGOT (JLI) is envisioned as a dedicated space on the iGOT Karmayogi for government officials to learn collaboratively and come together in order to solve specific practical problems. The initiative aims to help build sustainable, peer-reviewed and innovative solutions to common challenges faced by government officials in the course of their work.

  17. Developed website wireframe for Mission Karmayogi

    April 2021

    C-LOP developed a wireframe document for the Mission Karmayogi website detailing a draft overview of the website which was submitted to the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) and the National Informatics Centre (NIC).

  18. Released report on Marquee Competencies

    March 2021

    Marquee Competencies report is a shortlisted set of important functional and behavioural competencies that can be used as an initial list by MDOs commencing the competency-driven engagement process.

    The report is divided into two parts with the first part containing the initial set of 25 marquee competencies (9 behavioural and 16 functional), the approach used to shortlist these competencies and the associated competency-building products (CBPs) mapped to these competencies. The second part focuses on an additional set of 64 functional competencies, and the approach used for shortlisting them.

  19. Released the ‘Framework of Roles, Activities, and Competencies’ document (Version March 2021)

    March 2021

    The pre-FRACing process was renamed as the competency-driven engagement (C-DE) process, following which the FRAC document was updated. The paper details out the recommended steps to be followed by MDOs for developing and tagging competencies to their positions.

  20. Released summary report on Behavioural Competencies’ Course Library

    March 2021

    C-LOP created a summary report on Behavioural Competencies' Course Library that contains a collection of courses offered by various universities, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms, government and private institutions that can be used to build behavioural competencies of government officials. There are 277 courses in the course library for the 25 behavioural competencies defined in the Indian Civil Services Dictionary.

  21. Developed the first draft of the Annual Capacity Building Plan

    February 2021

    C-LOP developed the first draft of the Annual Capacity Building Plan as a roadmap to assist MDOs in allocating resources to individual officials for consuming competency-building products based on the intensity and criticality of their competency gaps.

  22. Developed a course on the pre-FRACing process

    January 2021

    C-LOP designed and created a course elaborating the pre-FRACing process. The pre-FRACing process, an earlier version of the C-DE process, enabled officials to map their positions to associated roles, activities and competencies. The course was created for all MDOs to understand the various stages of the process and encourage them to take advantage of the offerings on the iGOT Karmayogi platform.

  23. Partnered with Educational Initiatives (EI) to create a course on development of assessment instruments

    December 2020

    C-LOP collaborated with Educational Initiatives (EI) to develop a comprehensive course on creating good quality assessment instruments for the iGOT Karmayogi platform.

  24. Released the updated ‘Framework of Roles, Activities, and Competencies’ document (Version November 2020)

    November 2020

    The updated draft of the FRAC document uses the journey of a fictitious public official; Shanti, to provide a common understanding of the key terms related to FRACing. It also provides details of the steps to be followed prior to FRACing, links to the iGOT learning hub, and analytics that the platform can make available in order to improve the execution capacity of the Indian state.

  25. Redesigned curriculum for Assistant Section Officers in partnership with ISTM

    November 2020

    C-LOP collaborated with the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT) and Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) to redesign the foundation training programme for Assistant Section Officers. A report prepared by C-LOP shared findings from the curriculum redesign process and made key recommendations on how the redesigned training programme can help ASOs gain competencies they need to perform their roles effectively.

  26. Co-developed Onboarding in a Box toolkit

    November 2020

    C-LOP developed the Onboarding in a Box (OIAB) toolkit that describes the technical onboarding process for content providers on the iGOT Karmayogi platform. The toolkit will be the first point of contact for content providers and is designed as a step-by-step guide to uploading content on the platform.

  27. Released draft paper on Approach to Proctored, Independent, Authorised Assessments

    October 2020

    Proctored, Independent, Authorised Assessments (PIAA) aim to provide an objective, uniform, and credible competency assessment for public officials by an independent, government-authorised body, making it a critical part of the iGOT Karmayogi platform. Using PIAA, the goal is to establish whether, after completing a course, the learner has actually learnt and moved higher up in competency levels. In doing so, it determines the effectiveness of a particular course and its provider.

  28. Developed Engagement Score framework for iGOT Karmayogi

    October 2020

    The Engagement Score on the iGOT Karmayogi platform measures the extent to which a learner engages with the platform. It has a direct correlation with platform acceptability and subsequent interaction with the platform. The Engagement Score is calculated by measuring behaviours that users exhibit on the platform through their relationship with self, others and the content.

  29. Released the updated ‘Framework of Roles, Activities, and Competencies’ document (Version September 2020)

    September 2020

    FRAC, or the Framework of Roles, Activities and Competencies, demystifies the roles, activities and competencies a person is required in order to effectively deliver on the outcomes expected from them in their current and future positions in government. In doing so, it makes it possible to test the extent to which a person occupying a position has these competencies and consequently the competency gaps, if any, that should be addressed.

  30. Co-created document on Content Framework and Quality Assurance

    August 2020

    The Content Framework and Quality Assurance document lays out a set of tools and recommendations to guide the development of online learning products for the iGOT Karmayogi platform. It aims to help training institutes, content providers and reviewers in creating online learning programmes.

  31. Released the ‘Framework of Roles, Activities, and Competencies’ document (Version June 2020)

    June 2020

    The Framework of Roles, Activities, and Competencies, or FRAC, is the mapping of three constructs (roles, activities, and competencies) for each individual position within all ministries, departments, and organisations. The FRAC document provides an overview of the guiding principles for FRACing, as well as a common vocabulary and a set of implementation steps.

  32. Organised webinar series on creating and running online courses

    June 2020

    C-LOP, in collaboration with J-PAL Global, organised a series of webinars through June 2020 for Indian government officials. The webinar series was intended to support the Central Training Institutes (CTIs) in creating effective online modules to meet the training requirements and capacity building needs of their officials.

  33. Enabled transition of Pre- Foundation course for LBSNAA into blended format

    February 2020

    The objective of the exercise was to transition the existing training curriculum into a blended format. This would allow for more interactive forms of learning to take place during class hours of the foundation training programme. C-LOP collaborated with the faculty at LBSNAA through a series of workshops and webinars as part of this initiative.

  34. C-LOP is launched

    December 2019

    C-LOP is a capacity building initiative for the sustained and targeted learning of public officials. The initiative works with the Department of Personnel and Training to collaborate with ministries, departments and organisations within governments on competency-based training for government officials.