CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

This score will be given to a learner on the completion of a CBP and its corresponding assessments. It is based on the learner’s performance on these assessments and contributes to the Total Competency Score (TCS)

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

Maintained in the Competency Passbook (CP), the competency score is calculated against the competencies a learner has been tested for. It comprises: the workplace competency assessment score (WPCAS) and the testing competency score (TCS). The aggregate score will contribute to calculating the competency gap

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

The CQS is a combination of two scores: the first is provided through self-certification by the CBP provider; and the second is the score as assigned by a learner and auditor (as appointed by the SPV) of the CBP. When the two CQS are very close to each other, the trust score of the CBP becomes high.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

This score shows the impact of a CBP on the observed competency-based behaviours of an official in the workplace. It is calculated by aggregating improvements in the competency scores of officials who have been certified on completion of a CBP.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

Karma points reflect how a user interacts with the iGOT platform and four out of five of its hubs – i.e., how a learner engages on the discussion hub, network hub, as well as the competency and learning hubs. It also quantifies how meaningful and impactful contributions are.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

The engagement score measures the user’s engagement with the platform. It directly correlates with platform acceptability and subsequent interaction with the platform. The score is calculated by measuring the behaviours users exhibit on the platform through their relationship with self, others and the content.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

The organisation score is a composite score of every MDO, drawing upon many of the above- and aforementioned scores in addition to a score from the SPV from the quality audits. Every MDO will have an organisational score on the PM dashboard.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

This score will be given to a learner taking the PIAA by the PIAA provider. It comprises two components: 1) the level at which the competency has been assessed (1-5); and 2) the proficiency within that level (e.g., within these levels, an individual is excellent, good, average, poor). Every official will have to complete the PIAA testing both within the first three months of joining a new position for all competencies the position requires (if they have not already been tested for that competency in the last 5 years), and again every time the official completes a CBP funded by the government.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

The SPV score will be the average of all MDOs’ organisational scores. The SPV exists to ensure the success of everyone else. The success of iGOT, therefore, is the success of its ser- vices (i.e., the SPV). This is the success of all the MDOs which, in turn, is the success of all the officials – when their competency gaps are narrowed, officials’ trust scores are increasing, the trust score of the CBP and PIAA providers increase, the impact scores of the CBPs increase, and so on. When all these scores are impacted, the organisational score increases – and thus, the SPV score also increases.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

The TCS is an algorithmically derived score that combines C-CS and PIAA score and is informed by the trust scores of the PIAA and CBP. Combined with the WPCAS, it contributes to the competency score.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

The trust score is calculated on the basis of the accuracy of a stakeholder’s claim using an accuracy meter. It is the extent to which claims made by a stakeholder are found to be accurate and are verified by the processes put into place by the iGOT platform. Trust scores will be calculated for an array of stakeholders: individual learners, HR managers, auditors, CBP providers, PIAA providers, etc.

CBP Competency Score (C-CS)

The WPCAS is an algorithmically derived score that combines the crowdsourced 360-degree assessment (self, manager, peer, sub- ordinate) and is informed by the trust scores of those providing assessment. Combined with the TCS, it contributes to the competency score.